April's original show tells Bessie's story from childhood through her graduation at the French aviation school with dialogue, song and movement. Thirteen different characters interact; including a dreamy visit from Harriet Tubman, Joan of Arc and Paul Lawrence Dunbar, the historic figures who gave Bessie the inspiration she needed to succeed. Two Wings to Heaven has been premiered at the Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse (MA) and has performed at:

  • The 2024 International Black Theatre Festival in Winston-Salem

  • The Kravis Center, West Palm Beach, FL

  • The Legendary Apollo Theater’s new space the New Victoria Theater

  • Martha’s Vineyard Performing Arts Center

  • The Timpanogos Storytelling Festival in Lehi, UT

  • The Rhode Island Storytellers (RIBS) 2024 FUNDAFest

Do you know Elizabeth "Bessie" Coleman?

Even before Amelia Earhardt and her amazing solo flight over the Atlantic, before Harriet Quimby, and despite Jim Crow laws and a racist environment, Bessie Coleman, a smart but dirt poor black girl from Waxahatchi, Texas, became the first American Aviatrix to receive an international pilot's license.

Since no American aviation schools would give her lessons, Bessie learned French, traveled to France and studied at the top aeronautic school there. She learned to be an outstanding pilot and stunt performer. After receiving great recognition for test piloting some of the biggest, most modern planes of the period, she returned to American only to find the doors closed to her due to racial and gender prejudice. Despite these obstacles, she made a successful living as a barnstormer and left a legacy and paved the way for many African American pilots to come.

Show running time is 75 minutes. There is a 45 minute student version as well.

This program is appropriate for 4th graders thru adults.